
Cyprus Yellow Slip

Updated: July 23, 2024

The Registration certificate, commonly known as the ‘Cyprus Yellow Slip’, as it is printed on yellow paper, is available to European (EU and EEA) citizens who wish to stay and work or remain visitors in the Republic of Cyprus. The application for the issuance of the yellow slip must be submitted within four months of residing in Cyprus.

A yellow slip does not allow its holder to travel to Europe or other countries without a visa. It is only valid for Cyprus.

Cyprus Yellow Slip overview

The Application type and forms used to obtain a Yellow Slip are different for European Union citizens and their family members who are not European.

Application form MEU1 for EU citizens

Citizens of the European Union and their family members who are also citizens of the European Union apply with the MEU1 form (doc, 4.7 MB).

Cyprus yellow slip

Processing time – The Yellow Slip is issued in one month.

Application form MEU2 for non-EU citizens

Family members who are not European Union citizens apply with the MEU2 form (doc, 4.7 MB).

Processing time – The Yellow Slip is issued by Nicosia’s Civil Registry and migration department and mailed to the applicant’s address. This procedure usually takes six months.

However, once applied, applicants can stay and re-enter Cyprus if they travel with their application receipts.

The applicant will receive a residency card (EU citizens receive a certificate).

Cyprus Yellow Slip validity

The Registration certificate for European Union citizens does not expire.

The certificate for non-EU family members has a validity of 5 years. On expiry, the applicant can apply for renewal.


Benefits of Yellow Slip in Cyprus include:

  • Full rights of stay and re-entry.
  • Full access to the labour market with full employment rights, work, and engagement in business activities. Generally, it entitles the holder to the same rights as Cypriot citizens.
  • Registering with GESY is the second benefit of having a yellow slip in Cyprus. GESY is a national health system that ensures all residents access to good healthcare. It covers about 90% of the population as of 2024. Once registered, yellow slip holders can receive various medical services, including regular check-ups and specialized treatments. This comprehensive healthcare coverage brings peace of mind, making having a yellow slip in Cyprus a great advantage.

How to obtain a Registration certificate

Required documents

The documents required to get the yellow card include:

  1. Application forms MEU1 & MEU2 duly completed
  2. Copy of valid passport
  3. Marriage Certificate duly certified and translated *(If applicable)
  4. Children’s Birth Certificates duly certified and translated *(If applicable)
  5. Rental agreement or sale agreement of a house/apartment

    The rental agreement needs to be for the one-year minimum (rental agreement and a copy of it certified by Muhtar or a certifying officer & stamped at the tax office)

  6. Bank statements of a bank account in Cyprus or bank statements from abroad (if applicable). The bank statement should be for the last six months, showing the income received and spending in Cyprus.
  7. If working abroad, bring a confirmation letter from the employer and a payslip
  8. If they are working in Cyprus:
    a. Confirmation letter from employer
    b. Social Insurance Registration and annual income certificate
    c. Employer to sign the application form
  9. Health insurance (not needed if working in Cyprus)

    It can be international health insurance if the applicant already has one, or it can be made in Cyprus. The average cost is €200 for each person, and it can be made in 1 day.

Passport photos are unnecessary as they will be taken at the relevant office when you apply.

The documents with (*) must be translated into English and be «APOSTILLE» OR certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country that will issue them and also by the Cyprus Embassy of that country.

The complete list of documents for the MEU1 form can be downloaded at http://www.mip.gov.cy

For the MEU2 form, follow the link at http://www.mip.gov.cy

Application procedure

The applicants or their lawyers will book the date to submit the applications. It is recommended to book in advance, preferably 3-4 weeks earlier than the required submission date.
The applicants must be physically present to apply for the Yellow Slip. The application cannot be submitted through the power of attorney or their lawyer. However, their lawyer can attend the meeting to submit the application.

Cyprus government fees

Application for the first-time issue of a Yellow Slip or its renewal: €20 for each family member.

Application submission location

The applicant needs to apply to the Immigration Unit of the city where they live. The applications are further forwarded and examined by the Civil Registry and Migration Department.

Below are the addresses of each city’s immigration unit.


Agamemnonos 6, Engomi, 2411 Nicosia


Franglinou Rousvelt 223, Zakaki, Building ¨D. Nikolaou¨, 2nd floor, 3046 Limassol


Piale Piasha 75, 6027 Larnaka


Eleftheriou Venizelou & Kaningos 22, 2nd floor, 8021 Pafos


Eleftherias 83, Tatolos Bld, Derynia Plaza, 1st floor, 5380 Derynia

How to renew Yellow Slip in Cyprus

For non-EU family members, you need to provide all the documents and certificates as provided for the first registration.
There is no need to renew a yellow slip for EU citizens, as it does not expire.

Cyprus Yellow Slip and Brexit

UK citizens and their family members who had a yellow slip before Brexit remain unaffected. If they resided for five or more years in Cyprus, they have the right of permanent residence.

They can optionally complete form UKW1 to replace their existing documents with the new residence document issued as of January 1, 2021. The form UKW1 is filled out by UK nationals and their family members who are also UK nationals.

Dependents of UK nationals who are third-country nationals can fill in form UKW2.

The residence document issued under UKW 1 & 2 is valid for 5 years. Then, UK nationals and their family members can apply for permanent residence using UKW3.

For all the details, please check this page on https://www.mip.gov.cy/.

Our services

Our law firm will undertake the entire procedure for your application to ensure it runs smoothly. We will book the date for the meeting for submission, prepare application forms, advise on required documents, attend the meeting with you, follow the application process, receive the yellow cards, and deliver them to you.

Frequently asked questions

What does yellow slip mean in Cyprus, who is eligible for it?

The Cyprus yellow slip is the registration certificate for EU/EEA citizens and members of their families who are also EU/EEA citizens. Within four months of arriving in Cyprus, they must apply using the MEU1 form, demonstrating sufficient funds for self-support while residing in the Republic. Family members who are not EU/EEA citizens can apply using form MEU2.

What is the Cyprus government fee for a yellow slip?

The Cyprus government fee for the MEU1 form is EUR 20,00, and the same fee applies to the MEU2 form.

What is the difference between the pink slip and the yellow slip?

The yellow slip is a registration certificate for EU/EEA citizens and their family members who are also EU/EEA citizens. It is indefinite and grants the right to work in Cyprus. Non-EU/EEA family members get a five-year registration and must re-apply. On the other hand, the pink slip is for third-country nationals as visitors with independent means, requiring an income of at least EUR 24,000 per annum. It does not grant the right to work and is renewable annually.

How to apply for a yellow slip in Cyprus?

To apply for a yellow slip in Cyprus, you and your family must use forms MEU1 and MEU2 (if applicable) within four months of arrival. Applications are made at the Immigration Unit of the city where you reside. Details for supporting documentation and fees can be found at Registration of EU citizens and members of their families - MOI and at entry and residence of third country nationals who are family members of an E.U./E.E.A. citizen - MOI.

How long can an EU citizen stay in Cyprus?

An EU citizen can stay in Cyprus for three months without any formalities. After this period, they can stay indefinitely, provided they are employed or have independent means to support themselves without relying on the Republic’s social benefits system.

What is the difference between MEU1 and MEU3?

The MEU1 form registers EU/EEA citizens and their family members who are also EU/EEA citizens. The MEU3 form is used by third-country national family members who can apply for permanent residence after residing for five years in the Republic. This applies to spouses, financially dependent children under 21, and financially dependent parents and parents-in-law. Permanent residence is valid for 10 years and is renewable.

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